Cision Websolutions

AQ Components Mjällom

The company was established in the late 1980's and is part of AQ Group. AQ Components is located in Mjällom, in the heart of the Swedish High Coast.

The company currently employs about 45 people and has a turnover of approximately 65 million SEK.

Our Geographical market focus is mainly on Scandinavia and Northern Europe.

Business concept

To develop, manufacture and assemble components and systems for demanding industrial customers.

With our commitment to Total Quality our customers become long-term partners.

We are your support, from design to delivery, of a single item, a complete component or product.

Design support

  • Providing reliable production solutions
  • Purchasing network locally and globally. Low-cost production supply.
  • Production of prototypes and pre-series
  • Series production of Mechanical components

Complete sheet metal processing, laser cutting, bending / forming

  • Cutting, automatic turning and multi-task machining units for single articles and welded structures
  • Welding (manually and robot), certified according EN_ISO 3834 and EN 15085 (for train, rail components)
  • Assembly
  • After sales supply

Feel free to look at our digital brochure 

You are welcome to contact us!