Cision Websolutions


Business ethics

We are proud of our long term relations with our customers and suppliers. These relations are a result of good business ethics and mutual understanding.

In every country where AQ is operating we follow local laws and regulations. In situations where the law does not give sufficient guidance we apply our own standards based on our documented values and culture. 

Anti corruption

AQ does not offer customers, suppliers or representatives for authorities awards or benefits that are in contradiction with the law or good business ethics.

Our employees do not accept payments, gifts or other benefits from third parties that can influence their objectivity in business decisions.

Political or religous engagements

We are neutral in religion and politics. Neither the name AQ Group nor its assets are used to promote political parties or religous organizations.

Conflict Minerals

AQ Group is committed to:

  • Review the use of Conflict Minerals in our products and to be in a position to fullfill our reporting obligations to the SEC and respond to customer inquiries.
  • Working towards ensuring that our products do not contain Conflict Minerals that have been sourced in mines that support or fund conflict within the Democratic Republic of Kongo and other adjoining countries. 
  • Ensure that minerals contained in our products are sourced with due respect to human rights, the need to avoid contributing to conflict, and the desire to support development through our supply chain practices.
  • Asking our suppliers to work towards esnuring that any Conflict Minerals contained in the products and material supplied by AQ Group AB and its affiliates do not origin from Conflict Mines.
  • Continuing to comply with the underlying SEC rules and regulations surrounding "conflict minerals".
Work conditions

All employees in AQ feel part of, and have information about the development in the company. The leadership is characterized by supporting colleagues in their development through active planning and guidance towards defined goals.

We follow national legislation and internal rules to achieve a good and secure work environment, where there is respect and comradery.

Human rights

We support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within our areas of interests and we follow up regularly that the organization is not part in any violation against human rights.


Equality is a matter of course.

AQ is working for equal opportunities for men and women for education and development and for the same salary for equal work and performance.

We are also striving to have an equal distribution of men and women and to recommend the underrepresented sex when there are candidates with equal qualifications.


Diversity is a strength.

AQ Group hires and treats its employees in a manner that does not discriminate with regard to sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, color, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, age, political opinion, social origin, HIV/AIDS status, trade union membership.