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Nomination committee

According to the instruction for the Nominating Committee valid from the Annual General Meeting 2022 until further notice shall AQ Group's Nominating Committee consist of the four persons appointed by each of the four shareholders with the largest number of votes based on Euroclear Sweden AB´s ownership statistics as per the last day in August each year. In connection with the end of the third quarter, the Chairman of the Board contacts the four largest shareholders in the company and urges them to appoint a member to the Nominating Committee as soon as possible. If a shareholder waives his right to appoint a member, the right shall pass to the next largest shareholder. The Nominating Committee appoints its own chairman. The term of office runs until the new election committee has been constituted.

The Nominating Committee currently consists of the following members:

·  Björn Henriksson, representing Nordea Fonder, chairman of the Nominating Committee
·  Hans Christian Bratterud, representing ODIN Fonder
·  Per Olof Andersson, own holding
·  Claes Mellgren, own holding

The Nominating Committee's tasks shall include evaluation of the composition and work of the Board of Directors and it shall submit proposals to the Annual General Meeting regarding:

·  election of chairman at the AGM
·  number of board members and auditors
·  election of board members and chairman of the board
·  election of auditors
·  remuneration to the Board, committees, and auditors
·  where appropriate, proposals for changes in the current election committee instructions

The Nominating Committee's proposals will be presented in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nominating Committee may do so before the end of January 2025 via e-mail to (with header “To the Nominating Committee”) or by letter to the Nominating Committee, AQ Group AB, Regattagatan 29, 723 48 Västerås.

Shareholders who wish to have a matter considered at the AGM must submit such a proposal to the Chairman of the Board (at the same address as above) no later than March 5, 2025, so that the proposal can be included in the notice to the meeting.

Current instruction for the Nominating Committees proposol can be found here, and is valid until further notice:
Instruction for the Nominating Committee, AQ Group AB.pdf